  • 姓        名:曹战民
  • 职        务:教授/博士生导师
  •  传        真: 010-62332265

  • 本科课程: 有色金属冶金学、冶金物理化学

  • 研究生课程: 冶金工程软件及应用

  • 科研方向: 相图与热力学 火法冶金过程物理化学 冶金过程模拟

  • 个人简介
  • 成就及业绩
  • 大阳城娱乐app1593779【游戏】有限公司



    1997.9至2001.6 北京科技大学理化系 冶金物理化学专业博士

    1994.9至1997.6 昆明理工大学冶金系 有色金属冶金专业硕士

    1990.9至1994.6 昆明工学院 有色金属冶炼专业学士

    2004.4至2006.3 日本东北大学研究支援者

    2007.7至2007.9 加拿大蒙特利尔工学院访问学者

    2013.3至2013.8 加拿大蒙特利尔工学院访问学者


    1. Zhanmin Cao, Wei Xie, Zhiyu Qiao, Xianran Xing. Thermodynamic Modeling of the HfO2-La2O3-Al2O3 System, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, 100(1):365-377, 2017

    2. Zhanmin Cao, Nai Wang, Wei Xie, Zhiyu Qiao and In-Ho Jung, Critical evaluation and thermodynamic assessment of the MgO-V2O5 and CaO-V2O5 systems in air, CALPHAD, 56: 72-79, 2017

    3. Wei Xie, Nai Wang, Zhiyu Qiao, Zhanmin Cao. Thermodynamic assessment of the PbO-V2O5 system, CALPHAD, 55: 41-46,2016

    4. Zhanmin Cao; Shuai Li; Wei Xie; Guangwei Du; Zhiyu Qiao. Critical evaluation and thermodynamic optimization of the V-O system. CALPHAD, 51:241-251,2015

    5. Zhanmin Cao, Xian Shi, Wei Xie, Ikuo Ohnuma, Kiyohito Ishida, Zhiyu Qiao. Thermodynamic reassessment of the Ni-Ga binary system. RARE METALS, 34(12): 864-872, 2015

    6. Sourav Kumar Panda, Zhanmin Cao and In-Ho Jung. Critical Evaluation and Thermodynamic Modeling of the MgO–MnO–Mn2O3–SiO2 System, JOURNALOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, 98(9): 2921–2930, 2015

    7. Ding, Guohui; Xie, Wei; Jung, In-Ho; Du, Guangwei; Qiao Zhiyu; Cao, Zhanmin. Thermodynamic Assessment of the MgO-P2O5 and CaO-P2O5 Systems. ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA, 31(10): 1853-1863, 2015 8. Yiding Lai, Huihui Li, Jiannan Pan, Jia Guo, Longtian Kang and Zhanmin Cao, Synthesis of Ultrathin Nanosheets of Perylene. CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN, 15, 1011-1016, 2015

    9. Zhanmin Cao, Wei Xie, In-Ho Jung, Gguangwei Du, and Zhiyu Qqiao. Critical Evaluation and Thermodynamic Optimization of the Ti-C-O System and Its Applications to Carbothermic TiO2 Reduction Process. METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS B, 46B, AUGUST 2015-1783, 2015

    10. In-Ho Jung,Marie-Aline VAN Ende,Mun-Kyu Cho,Zhanmin Cao. FactSage Thermodynamic Database for Steelmaking Refractory Research, CHINA'S REFRACTORIES, 24(1): 15-21,2015

    11. Z.M. Cao, W. Xie, P. Chartrand, S.H. Wei, G.W. Du, Z.Y. Qiao. Thermodynamic assessment of the Bi-alkali metal (Li, Na, K, Rb) systems using the modified quasichemical model for the liquid phase. CALPHAD, 46: 159-167, 2014

    12. 王方方,曹战民,陈骏,邢献然,第一性原理计算钛酸铅A位掺杂对其负热膨胀性的影响,物理化学学报,30(8):1432-1436, 2014

    13. Cao, Zhanmin; Xie, Wei; Wang, Kunpeng; Du, Guangwei; Qiao, Zhiyu. Thermodynamic Assessment of the In-Ni-Sb System and Predictions for Thermally Stable Contacts to InSb. JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, 42(8): 2615-29, 2013

    14. Cao, Zhanmin; Xie, Wei; Wang, Kunpeng; Niu, Chunjun; Du, Guangwei; Qiao Zhiyu. Thermodynamic Optimization of the Al-Fe-P System. ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA, 29(10): 2148-2156, 2013

    15. Cao Zhan-Min, Wang Kun-Peng, Qiao Zhi-Yu. Thermodynamic Reoptimization of the Fe-P System, ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA, 28(1): 37-43, 2012

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